Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Eve – 4.3.10

214556t128uyu3ok100 Happy Easter to our granddaughters…Kayla, Brianna & Elizabeth live in West Virginia and Laurianna who lives in Sicily…The Easter Bunny had some traveling to do to get to all our girls…easter54

Brandi was taking her daughters to her Aunt’s house for the night and while they were there, the decorating of the hard boiled eggs began…Dyeing Easter Eggs 4.3

Kayla, Brianna & Elizabeth were at a table with their Mommy, Brandi, getting ready to dye their eggs to put in their baskets…Kayla was writing her name on her eggDyeing Easter Eggs 4.3 (2) so that she knew which one belonged to her…It looked like Brianna & Lizzi wrote their names on an egg too…The girls were having some fun…

Dyeing Easter Eggs 4.3 (6)

Dyeing Easter Eggs 4.3 (13)

Dyeing Easter Eggs 4.3 (14) Look at these beautiful eggs…I bet they had so much fun making those double colored eggs (with Mommy’s help, I am sure)…and they look beautiful…I sure do miss dying eggs with kids, my own or the grandkids…

Can you tell whose egg belongs to whom??  The girls did a wonderful job on their eggs…

Dyeing Easter Eggs 4.3 (16)



Easter morning had arrived…The 3 girls are all dressed up Easter at Cindy's 4.4 but one of them is not happy…I don’t think she got enough sleep on Easter Eve…But how beautiful did the 3 of them look…Luckily nowadays, the girls don’t have to dress up like I had to back in the early 60’s…Fluffy dress, white gloves, patten leather shoes, a silly hat and a hairdo that was awful…Nowadays little girls can dress up very simply and look gorgeous…

Easter at Cindy's 4.4 (1) 

Oh my!  The Easter Bunny came in the night…The Easter Bunny left 3 baskets full of goodies…I bet all 3 of them could not wait to tear in to their baskets, to start eating some chocolate, to see if they got a toy…

Easter at Cindy's 4.4 (3)

And to finish up the Easter morning at their Aunt Cindy’s house, Kayla had one final pose…Easter at Cindy's 4.4 (4)Can anyone else do that???  I know I can’t but she made Poppy & I laugh very hard…It was a great way to start our Easter morning…


Dying Eggs  4.3 (2)   Over in Sicily our littlest granddaughter, Laurianna, was getting ready to dye eggs too…but she was more interested in cracking the egg or spilling the dye…Sure do hope that dye came up or the parents were smart to put down plastic…LOL..

Dying Eggs  4.3 (7)

Dying Eggs  4.3 (6)

Dying Eggs  4.3 (3)  Misti & Chad helped Anna with the dying of the eggs but she found the Trisket to be a better option than dying eggs…I’ll bet these eggs turned out neat looking too…

Chad and Anna dying eggs…Anna looks more comfortable in his arms and looks like she could care less about the eggs…Next year will be better…Dying Eggs  4.3 (8)Great job, Chad…