Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New President - Barack Obama

Jan. 20, 2009

It's a new day for a new president...At 12:06pm Barack H. Obama became the 44th President of the United States and his wife Michelle Obama, became the First Lady...
Since about 8am this morning, we have been watching ABC to see all the hopla of the new president to be...Tonight is the Inaugural Neighborhood Ball...and President Obama is attending all 10 balls tonight...He will be one tired President tomorrow...*S*
Today is a day in History...A new Afro-American president...

but really he's just more all American...He is a United States of America citizen...
Washington, DC was packed with almost 2 million people...

The weather was about 26 degrees during the day and towards evening it got a lot colder...but all the people prevailed and hung around for the festivities...Bands from all over America marched down PA. Avenue...Even the marching band from his Hawaii school where he grew up...The Military Bands were there in the parade as well...
I'm not very good at saying things about what is going on but today was awesome...
I didn't vote but I knew that Barack Obama would have been the man I would have voted for...I like him and his speeches ever since he started...I certainly hope that this new man will do what he said...
The parade was good to see along with seeing the new President of the United States to walk Pennsylvania Avenue...

May the following 4 years be as he says and make things right with all of the United States...

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